Sunday, August 27, 2006


Our freshman class is so huge!

Reed is strange because since it's so small, you feel like you run into everyone all the time--particularily if they live on campus and/or are some sort of Big Campus Figure (at Reed, people can have varying degrees of Celebrity Status. This seems to be determined by how many awesomely crazy things they do, how well they are liked, and if--on top of that--they have their shit together academically).

My Music Theory lab time was changed a little bit and switched the lecture classroom because our class is so huge. I now have lab on Mondays, which is okay although I prefer the Wednesday time because then lecture and lab would be back to back. As it stands now, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays have a large chunk of class in the morning (hum lecture, hum conference, chem fifty minutes each) and then very spread out classes in the afternoon with a lot of hour long gaps (music theory lecture, music theory lab, bio lab lecture, chem conference, classes like that). On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I have bio lecture at 9 am and then nothing until lab from 1:10 to 5 and 1:10 to 4 respectively. I have a lot of hours of classes, it seems. But 'tis the nature of being a science major.

Our class--freshmen and transfers--is so large that Vollum (the largest lecture hall on campus--it fits something like 406 people) cannot fit everyone (enrollment is something like 417. The freshman class alone is around 375). They are putting closed circut feeds in the Vollum lobby with a video screen for those that can't fit. They also had to hire another professor and add a hum conference section to keep class size down.

My days have been alternately filled with fun activities (Karaoke, a pool party, Noise Parade, chilling in Commons with people, etc.) and little errand-y type stuff like buying books and groceries and doing laundry and cleaning my room. I went on a bike ride with a friend today and explored the area Outside of the Bubble and went briefly to a farmer's market and bought raspberries.

I'm going to try to do a little Iliad review, have desert with all the freshmen and Colin Diver, and attend a folk music concert in the chapel for a bit. Classes tomorrow!

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