Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Library update

Well, after a three day weekend it's back to the books. The weekend was very long and very fun (even though I spent time on Sunday and almost all of Monday studying).

I have a hum paper due the Saturday after next and a chem problem set due Thursday and a music theory quiz tomorrow. Luckily I've worked through all the chem problem set, and I just need to go back and make sure that I didn't make any really stupid calculation mistakes (it was actually a lot better than I thought it would be). I went to a review session on math for chemistry for about ten minutes today, but left early because I felt like I was pretty good with all the material (exponents, conversions, significant digits) and it was cutting into my homework time.

Today in bio we did DNA isolation, and it was a fun lab. It's strange to think that that snotty substance is basically what makes us us. Also, I felt much more competant in following lab procedure after this summer, which was nice. We also got out an hour and half early. We are doing a three week series learning about DNA isolation, PCR, gel electrophoresis, and recombinant DNA, which is nice because I don't have to think about lab reports until my mega report in three weeks.

Overall, homework is stepping up but it's still manageable. I do still have an internet problem, but so far I've been spending a lot of time in the library. Which is nice and quiet. It's actually where I am now.

I'm still figuring out how much work and what type of work I need to do here to learn the material, and it's a tricky process but hopefully I'll have it figured out. Classes are getting more and more interesting by the day. I enjoyed the bio lecture much more today and learned some interesting tidbits about mitochondrial DNA.

I am sure I am at the right place.

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