Monday, November 27, 2006

The end is near. How strange. I have a week and a half of class, and then reading week and finals and I'm done with this semester (which has gone by ridiculously quickly). My first exam is on Monday the 11th, chemistry, then on Tuesday I have the in-class portion of Music Theory (although most of it is take-home, open note), then I have biology on Wednesday evening, nothing on that Thursday, and my humanities exam early in the morning from 8 until noon on Friday. Scary!

I'm excited for next semester, though. There's always something exciting about the prospect of new material. In biology, we have three new professors teaching units. In Chemistry, it's chemical reactivity instead of molecular structures and properties. In hum we are studying ancient Rome instead of Ancient Greece. And then I'm taking a religion class called Intro to Ancient Christianity which is supposed to be a very good class.

This week I have to get a whole bunch of stuff done for reactor, write a paper, do a problem set, learn some chord progressions on the piano for music theory, re-do a music theory assignment I didn't do so hot on, do a lab worksheet for chemistry, do a lab write-up for biology, and I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting. So it goes.

It's snowing here.

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