Wednesday, March 14, 2007

As you can see by my narcissistic artsy pictures, I'm rather enjoying my new macbook. There's a camera on it, which is kind of fun. And it will make it much easier to write papers and so forth now.
My school put up flags on the front lawn to commemorate people who died in Iraq. They were noted in the website Boing Bong. It's a very beautiful project, but there's been a bit of controversy over the numbers they used.
Spring break has been going well. It's been fun, sort of productive, and tomorrow I'm running my experiment for reactor (I'm irradiating multivitamins to do a neutron activation analysis). We went to see reactor facility at OSU today and I pushed the buttons to pulse it. Then we watched as the operator pulsed it and stood over the bay. Essentially, it makes a really fast fission chain reaction and causes the reactor to flash really brightly. My friend Dan and I drove over to the Oregon coast yesterday. It was very pretty. I wish I took pictures, but I didn't.
Anyway, life goes well. I'm still angsting over what I should major in and what the best classes to take would be next year (I'm trying to decide whether I want to study biology or biochemistry and molecular biology. Pretty much, I want to take too much biology to really be a biochem major and too much chemistry to easily fit into a bio major. It's going to involve either making some compromises or having really hardcore schedules for at least the next couple years or both).